Sunday, 28 March 2010

sun shining - me working !

It is the day of the Portland pairs, the National Mixed Pairs Championship, which is scored by ECatsBridge, so even though it is a Sunday we are here in case we are needed ... which is  a bit of a pity as it is a lovely sunny day. So I am dealing with some emails first, but then while I wait and I am going to do a bit of gardening (with my mobile phone at my side!) then spend some time tagging photographs. We got loads of old pictures scanned recently – a great company called 1Scan ( ... some of the pictures had a dreadful colour cast and they fixed them beautifully. So now I have to get them into some semblance of order so we can find the ones we want !


And so that is what I will be doing while awaiting the results to come through. Hopefully we won’t actually be NEEDED ... the TDs have done it all before and there shouldn’t be any problems. Just hope I am not speaking too soon on that one !!


For those of you who haven’t yet seen it, by the way, hurry off to watch Alice in Wonderland in 3D ... it’s brilliant !


Right – back to the emails ! More another day ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Anna - thanks for the kind words about our scanning service. We chug through thousands of photos each day and it's great to know our efforts are appreciated. Good luck with the metadata, maybe that's something to leave for the long dark nights.
Jeff Underwood