Monday, 8 March 2010

inundated ...

I know that sending out a big mailshot with entry forms for Sim Pairs is going to result in a LOT of changes coming back to me ... and I was right. I am SWAMPED with email! Thanks to so many of you for responding so quickly though, it really is a great help. I look forward to a week of getting all the data into my computer (I think). At least I have got headphones and can listen to my cool tunes while I work. Amazingly it helps my typing too as I can use it like a metronome. Getting the beat right with my fingers means I type much faster and gives me good practice!


Hope you all had a good weekend – the sun shone and shone here and I got a bit over-enthusiastic about spring cleaning, so was exhausted last night. Not helped by a very good dinner party the night before (well I enjoyed it), that went on rather late and involved rather a lot of red wine.


Now back to the database ....


Anna x



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