Friday, 4 May 2007

Jimmie Arthur

Today is a very sad day - I have just learned of the death last night of Jimmie Arthur, a dear friend and one of the nicest people you could hope to know in a lifetime. Jimmie had been ill for some time, and I am thankful that Mark and I were able to visit him about 10 days ago.

I knew Jimmie in the days of the British Bridge League, when he captained the British Women's Team, leading them to success and gold medals. My job was to make all the travel arrangements, book the hotels, and generally sort out the logistics of getting everyone to where they had to be at the right time, so I got to know Jimmie and his lovely wife Jill, quite well as a result !

I know you will all want to join me in sending our heartfelt sympathy to Jill and to Jimmie's family. You can read a full obituary on the EBU website